Fifty seven percent of people who quit their jobs say they are quitting their manager, not the organization.

An anthropological leadership assessment breaks through the 3rd wall. We conduct deep 360 degree reviews—completely open and transparent.

We start with a question-generating survey as an initial problem-finding tool, and then shift to qualitative assessment. We want to know about curiosity, learning, empathy, and commitment to organic innovation. Particularly, our assessment seeks to understand the extent to which leaders follow through on cascading a growth mindset in the organization.


Do your leaders have anthropological intelligence (AI)?

Tough Questions

We kick off the leadership assessment process with a short, custom survey that asks tough questions. Survey results help identify issues/problems that are further explored during the ethnographically-inspired 360 review process. We want to know about:

  • Curiosity & Empathy

  • Commitment to Learning

  • Cultural Intelligence

360 Degree Feedback

Nothing is off limits. We conduct a thorough ethnographic analysis of all aspects of a leader’s portfolio and relationships. How does a leader’s approach impact peers, direct reports, and ultimately, the employee experience? What we do:

  • Observational research

  • One-one-one interviews

  • Shadowing & group interviews

Ethnographic Portrait

Reports are presented in narrative form, as ethnographic portraits. Combining insights, quotes, examples, and artifacts from our research, we paint a rich picture of a leader’s style, presence, and influence, and overall effectiveness. Portraits entail:

  • Multimedia narratives

  • Rich with textual data

  • Meta themes, patterns, key words


Is your leadership team looking for a new way to assess and develop your leaders for the future? Our anthropologically-informed approach will shed light on issues you don’t know you have?